Learn your business’s real world value using one of our four free options…


Free 15 

Does your business have more than $1M in EBITDA/profitability? If so, we would be happy to discover the real world value of your company, and to match buyers  in the market who are seeking  businesses like yours. We know you’re busy, so our aim is to achieve this discovery in about 15 minutes at no cost to you.

Quick Calculation

Utilize our custom calculator to get a free and immediate idea of the value of your business.

Deep Dive

Get ready to pull out your tax returns OR recruit a trusted CPA. This valuation method generates a comprehensive in-depth report, 29 pages showing you the value of your business as you’ve never seen it before. Receive the Valuation Summary for free, afterwards, you’ll have the opportunity to order the full length report for just $995.

 Double Your Value

After analyzing more than 30,000+ businesses, analysts at The Value Builder System™ has discovered that companies with a Value Builder Score of 80+ received offers that are 71% higher than the average-scoring business. With a score of 90, your value will likely be DOUBLE!

See how your company scores, get a free report on how your business performs in each area, AND an Estimate of Value buy completing a simple questionnaire

We’ll keep it simple. What brings you by?

No cost, no fee, no gimmicks.

What is your business worth in the real world? You might be thinking about selling, discontinuing or expanding your operations, acquiring another business or beginning the estate planning or ESOP process. Whatever your reason, you need knowledgeable professionals to help with this critical valuation. Business valuations help you prove the financial condition of your company and make decisions on buying, selling and merging.

Set up a completely free 15 minute discovery session to jumpstart your efforts to sell your business, discover the value of your business, or buy a business from someone else.


Free Valuation Discovery